Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How the template was tossed...

I was bored and had nothing else to do so I changed my blog's template. Thereafter, for some god forsaken reason I started writing this poem (if u can call it one). It is full of errors and is meaningless but then I had fun writing it ,initially..... and then I got bored.. again..

How the Template was tossed...

There never was a bard as jobless as I
and gifted with humour pathetic and dry
Yet another attempt at poetry, the art of rhymes

but certainly not the last
For my lunacy grows as the clock ticks and chimes

This is the tale of a time when I was lost
deep in my myriad but chaotic thoughts

Waiting for a man whom I now call 'Boss'

This is the tale of how the 'template was tossed'

The day started ,like most days do..

with a burp, a snort and a fart that said 'poo'
which necessitated a quick visit to the loo
A brief chat on the phone was next and voila! my roommate was up too!!

A trip to the institute followed a quick bath
For my stomach was grumbling
"Breakfast is what you shall Hath"
A quick-bite at the canteen and off I was to the lab
But there was no sign of the Boss
& thence I knew that the day shall be drab

And boy was I wrong, for my colleagues were on song
Unleashed in the absence of the boss, their tongues set wagging,
the mood was merry, one joke followed the other
& I was laughing like a mad man before long...

All the laughing had made me hungry

After all guffawoing does burn sizeable amounts of calories
And off, I was for supper
for history has never witnessed a bard working on a stomach that was empty

Back in the make shift 'Herot' that was my lab
My colleagues continued their mockery
of the ambiance, the society &
hell! they didn't even spare the neighbour's flab!

Gradually, the jokes became irregular and the laughter died
Unlike the perennial river my cheeriness too dried
& I started my quest for a worthy task
which would keep me occupied

Nothing sensible, nor to trite
the task had to be useless
But with the right amount of spice!
Thence I turned to my blog, on this sad premise

There never was a place with more nonsensical rant
A tasteless layout and a cliche'd title added to its worthlessness
unsurprisingly followers, in numbers, were rather scant...

The template looked dreary and so did the content
the latter would remain untouched, so the former had to change
for change is on what I was rather hell bent!
So off went the old template with its yellowish hue
to be replaced by another which had some cream and some blue

The charm was retained as the blog lost none of it gloomy look
it'll be eons before that change comes through
for cheerful fables and stories I cannot cook
And now my day draws to an end
so should this tale of miserable proportions

So, unlike my initial thoughts, to boredom the day wasn't lost
My hunger for change satiated and a good laugh is what I got
and since I am out of words and thoughts,
let me end the tale of 'how the template was tossed...'