I key in the last few words of my final report and with each keystroke I feel an emptiness grow within me. Funny, my last post was all about how this place had heightened my confusion on choosing the right career and here I am feeling pathetic about leaving the same place.
It is one of those moments in my life when everything seems to come to a standstill. Its as if life is saying "look back on this experience and make a note of everything that has led to this point and do so honestly with because u'll cherish every moment ,whether good or bad ". It is on moments like these when I feel happiness and sadness at the same time without a hint of confusion which otherwise plagues every waking moment of my life (Guess I am too sleepy to understand what is going on in the pea-sized brain that possess while I am asleep).
I am going to miss this place. Not for the people, Not for the work but just because here, there were times when I felt good about myself and sadly the place I am going to doesn't invoke such feelings....
P.S : I guess this entry is filled with typos and grammatical errors. I just wrote whatever came to my mind without giving much thought to the 'thoughts'....
That’s (not) all folks! 2024 Reading Reflections
2 months ago