I am sitting in the bio-informatics lab of my department, supposed to be writing Java programs. But as i am not good at doing that , i preferred blogging. I am no better at this either but its more fun.
Let me just get on with it. Tennis : the most wonderful of all the sports that i have come across. Tennis to me is like a drug. I am addicted to it. I need a dose of it everyday else I get restless. I have been following tennis for more than a decade now. But fell in love with the game after watching Roger Federer play. He has added a whole new dimension to the game. A dimension called perfection. He is probably the only guy to play the game the way it should be. Every stroke in a tennis manual can be found in his arsenal. Hell! he has invented enough new ones to fill another one. Then there are those quick feet which allow him to get into position and unleash those delightful array of strokes. Yes, Nadal has a better record against him(let us not forgot that most of these wins have been notched up on clay) but apart from him nobody has been able to master federer's game on any surface(barring clay), atleast not at his prime.
There is no denying that soon the feet will be a step and half slower, the hand and eye movement will be devoid of the silken co-ordination and the frequency of incredible shots will lessen, but till the day federer decides to hang up his boots(and his racquet) tennis to me will be only about him .....
That’s (not) all folks! 2024 Reading Reflections
2 months ago